Row_Number function in SQL Server

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In this video we will discuss Row_Number function in SQL Server.

Row_Number function
  • Introduced in SQL Server 2005
  • Returns the sequential number of a row starting at 1
  • ORDER BY clause is required
  • PARTITION BY clause is optional
  • When the data is partitioned, row number is reset to 1 when the partition changes
Syntax : ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Col1, Col2)

Row_Number function without PARTITION BY : In this example, data is not partitioned, so ROW_NUMBER will provide a consecutive numbering for all the rows in the table based on the order of rows imposed by the ORDER BY clause.

SELECT Name, Gender, Salary,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Gender) AS RowNumber
FROM Employees

sql server row_number example

Please note : If ORDER BY clause is not specified you will get the following error
The function 'ROW_NUMBER' must have an OVER clause with ORDER BY

Row_Number function with PARTITION BY : In this example, data is partitioned by Gender, so ROW_NUMBER will provide a consecutive numbering only for the rows with in a parttion. When the partition changes the row number is reset to 1.

SELECT Name, Gender, Salary,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Gender ORDER BY Gender) AS RowNumber
FROM Employees

sql server row_number example

Use case for Row_Number function : Deleting all duplicate rows except one from a sql server table. 


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