HTML5 Events Handler List

  • Following all event handlers Window Event Attributes, Form Events, Keyboard Events, Mouse Events, Media Events are support in all HTML5 Tags.
  • Global event attributes that's added to a HTML elements to define event and fired when occur specific action.

Window Event Attributes

Window Events triggered for a window object and apply in <body> tag
AttributesValueDescriptionIn HTML5?
onafterprintjs_scriptScript is run after the document is printedNEW
onbeforeprintjs_scriptScript is run before the document is printedNEW
onbeforeunloadjs_scriptScript is run before the document is unloadedNEW
onerrorjs_scriptScript is run when any error occurNEW
onhaschangejs_scriptScript is run when document has changedNEW
onloadjs_scriptEvent fires after the page loading finished
onmessagejs_scriptScript is run when document goes in offlineNEW
onofflinejs_scriptScript is run when document comes in onlineNEW
onpagehidejs_scriptScript is run when document window is hiddenNEW
onpageshowjs_scriptScript is run when document window become visibleNEW
onpopstatejs_scriptScript is run when document window history changesNEW
onredojs_scriptScript is run when document perform redoNEW
onresizejs_scriptEvent fires when browser window is resizedNEW
onstoragejs_scriptScript is run when web storage area is updatedNEW
onundojs_scriptScript is run when document performs undoNEW
onunloadjs_scriptEvent fires when browser window has been closed

Form Events

Form Events triggered by perform some action inside HTML form elements.
AttributesValueDescriptionIn HTML5?
onblurjs_scriptEvent fire when element loses focus
onchangejs_scriptEvent fire when element value is changed
oncontextmenujs_scriptEvent fire when context menu is triggeredNEW
onfocusjs_scriptEvent fire when element gets focus
onformchangejs_scriptEvent fire when form changesNEW
onforminputjs_scriptEvent fire when form get input field
oninputjs_scriptEvent fire when element get input fieldNEW
oninvalidjs_scriptEvent fire when element is invalidNEW
onresetjs_scriptEvent fire when clicked on form reset buttonREMOVE
onselectjs_scriptEvent fire after allow to select text in an element
onsubmitjs_scriptEvent fire when form is submitted

Keyboard Events

AttributesValueDescriptionIn HTML5?
onkeydownjs_scriptEvent fire when pressing a key
onkeypressjs_scriptEvent fire when press a key
onkeyupjs_scriptEvent fire when releases a key

Mouse Events

Mouse Events triggered by mouse action.
AttributesValueDescriptionIn HTML5?
onclickjs_scriptEvent fire when mouse click on element
ondblclickjs_scriptEvent fire when mouse double click on element
ondragjs_scriptScript is run when element is draggedNEW
ondragendjs_scriptScript is run at end of drag operationNEW
ondragenterjs_scriptScript is run when element has dragged to a valid drop targetNEW
ondragleavejs_scriptScript is run when element leaves valid drop targetNEW
ondragoverjs_scriptScript is run when element is dragged over on valid drop targetNEW
ondragstartjs_scriptScript is run at start of drag operationNEW
ondropjs_scriptScript is run when dragged element is droppedNEW
onmousedownjs_scriptEvent fire when mouse button is pressed down on element
onmousemovejs_scriptEvent fire when mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseoutjs_scriptEvent fire when mouse pointer moves out an element
onmouseoverjs_scriptEvent fire when mouse pointer moves over on element
onmouseupjs_scriptEvent fire when mouse button is released over an element
onmousewheeljs_scriptEvent fire when mouse wheel being rotatedNEW
onscrolljs_scriptEvent fire when element scrollbar being scrolledNEW

Media Events

Media Events triggered by common media elements like <img>, <audio>, <embed>, <object>, and <video>.
AttributesValueDescriptionIn HTML5?
onabortjs_scriptScript is run when element is abort
oncanplayjs_scriptScript is run when file is ready for start playingNEW
oncanplaythroughjs_scriptScript is run when file is played all way without pausing for bufferingNEW
ondurationchangejs_scriptScript is run when media length changesNEW
onemptiedjs_scriptScript is run when something unavailable/disconnectsNEW
onendedjs_scriptScript is run when media has reach to end positionNEW
onerrorjs_scriptScript is run when error occurs file loaded timeNEW
onloadeddatajs_scriptScript is run when media is loadedNEW
onloadedmetadatajs_scriptScript is run when meta data are loadedNEW
onloadstartjs_scriptScript is run when file being loadedNEW
onpausejs_scriptScript is run when media is pausedNEW
onplayjs_scriptScript is run when media is ready to start playingNEW
onplayingjs_scriptScript is run when media is actually start for playingNEW
onprogressjs_scriptScript is run when browser is process of getting media dataNEW
onratechangejs_scriptScript is run when playback rate changesNEW
onreadystatechangejs_scriptScript is run when ready state changes for each timeNEW
onseekedjs_scriptScript is run when seeking attribute value set to false, that indicate seeking has endedNEW
onseekingjs_scriptScript is run when seeking attribute value set to true, that indicate seeking has activeNEW
onstalledjs_scriptScript is run when browser is unable to fetch media data for any reasonNEW
onsuspendjs_scriptScript is run when fetching media data is stopped before it is completely loaded for any reasonNEW
ontimeupdatejs_scriptScript is run when playing position has changedNEW
onvolumechangejs_scriptScript is run each time volume is changedNEW
onwaitingjs_scriptScript is run when media has paused(for buffer more data)NEW