The .NET Development course is primarily designed for student(s)/fresher(s) who want to make a career in .NET technologies. In this course, you will learn basic .NET concepts, OOPs concepts, C# language fundamentals and how to use visual studio 2015 for .NET development.
: Project Based Training Program
: Student(s)/Fresher(s)
: Visual Studio 2015, SQL Server 2014
Delivery method(s)
: Instructor-led Classroom/Online Training
: 40 Hours
: English
About the course
The .NET Development course is primarily designed for student(s)/fresher(s) who want to make a career in .NET technologies. In this course, you will learn basic .NET concepts, OOPs concepts, C# language fundamentals and how to use visual studio 2015 for .NET development.
Course objectives
At the completion of this course, attendees will be able to;
- Describe Microsoft .NET Framework Architecture
- Understand .NET Framework basic and advanced in-depth concepts
- Use visual studio 2015 for running, debugging and testing your C# programs
- Use OOPs concepts like abstractions, Inheritance, polymorphism etc. in practical life
- Build the logic to develop C# programs
- Use classes, objects, properties, partial classes, static classes etc. in practical life
- Use C# advanced concepts like collections, generics and delegates
- Describe the differences between classes, structures, interfaces, abstract classes etc
Who can do this course?
All students/freshers who are keen to develop modern web, desktop and service oriented applications on Microsoft platform should go for this course.
There is no pre-requisites to join this course.
Visual Studio 2015
Course Cirriculam
Microsoft .NET
Introduction to Microsoft .NET
- Understanding Microsoft .NET
- .NET Cross platform support
- Advantages of Microsoft .NET
Introduction to .NET Framework
- Understanding .NET Framework
- .NET Framework Version History
- .NET Framework 4.5 Architecture
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- CLR Components
- Microsoft Intermediate language (MSIL)
- Common Type System (CTS)
- Common Language Specification (CLS)
- Relationship Between CTS and CLS
- Framework Class Library (FCL)
- Just In Time Compilation (JIT)
IDE Environment: Visual Studio 2015
Introduction to Visual Studio 2015
- Understanding Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Version History
- Understanding Visual Studio Editions
- Advantage of Visual Studio
- Understanding Visual Studio Features
- Visual Studio Explorer – Solution, Team, Server
- Coding and Debugging
- Types of Projects in Visual Studio
- Creating a Project and Solution
- Toolbox
- Property Window
C# Programming Language
Introduction to C#
- History of C# Version
- C# - What, Why & When
- Structure of a C# Program
- Basic Input / Output Operations
- Compiling, Running, and Debugging
Data Type, Variable & Typecasting
- Understanding Data Type
- Types of Data Type – Value Type & Reference Type
- Naming a variable
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Data Conversions – Implicit & Explicit
- Safe Type Casting with IS and AS Operator
- Types of Assemblies
- Shared Assembly, Private Assembly & Satellite Assembly
- Assembly Manifest, Metadata
- Assembly Cache
- Creating Namespace
- Advantages of Namespace
Garbage Collection
- Understanding Garbage Collection (GC)
- Advantage of Garbage Collector
- Generations in Garbage Collector
- Garbage Collector Working Phase
- Garbage Collection Algorithm
- Finalize and Dispose Method
- Different Types of Operators
- Operators precedence
Conditional Statements
- Introduction to conditional statement
- If statements
- If..else statement
- If..else ladder
- Switch statement
- Introduction to loop
- do...while loop
- while loop
- Making star patterns
Jump Statements
- break statements
- continue statement
Loops Contd.
- for loop
- foreach loop
- Making number patterns
- Introduction to Array
- One Dimensional Array
- Multi-Dimensional Array
- Jagged Array
- Introduction to strings
- Mutable strings
- Immutable strings
- Strings methods
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- Introduction to object oriented programming
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
Class and Objects
- Creating a class
- Access Modifiers
- Instance members
- Creating an object
Constructor and Destructor
- Introduction to Constructor
- Types of Constructor
- Default Constructor
- Parameterised Constructor
- Introduction to Destructor
- Creating Destructor
- Introduction to Methods
- Methods Categories
- Methods Parameters
- Optional Parameters
- Call By Value
- Call By Reference
- Introduction to Polymorphism
- Types of Polymorphism
- Methods Overloading
- Methods Overriding
- Abstract, override and new keywords
- Introduction to Inheritance
- Types of inheritance
- Single Level Inheritance
- Multi-Level Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance
- Advantage of Inheritance
- Sealed class and private constructor
- Introduction to Property
- Types of Property
- Read-Write Property
- Read Only Property
- Write Only Property
- Advantages of Property
- Introduction to Indexer
- Types of Indexer
- Advantages of Indexer
Abstract Class
- Introduction to Abstract Class
- Creating Abstract class
- Need of Abstract class
- Advantages of abstract class
- Introduction to Interface
- Creating Interface
- Need of Interface
- Abstract class vs. Interface
Static Class
- Introduction to static class
- Creating static class and static methods
- Need of static class
- Normal class vs. Static class
Partial Class
- Introduction to partial class
- Creating partial class
- Need of partial class
- Introduction to structure
- Creating structure
- Structure vs. Class
- Introduction to enum
- Creating enum
- Need of enum
Exception Handling
- Understanding Exceptions
- Try, Catch and Finally block
- Throw exception
- Handling Exception
- Custom Exception
- Introduction to delegates
- Types of delegates
- Single Delegate
- Multicast Delegate
Generic Delegates
- Introduction to generic delegates
- Func
- Action
- Predicate
- Introduction to events
- Creating Events
- Event Handler
Anonymous Method and Lambda Expression
- Anonymous Method
- Lambda Expression
- Introduction to attributes
- Creating attribute class
- Need of attributes
- Introduction to reflection
- Viewing Metadata
- Introduction to .NET Collections
- Introduction to Collection Classes – Array List, Hash Table, Dictionary, Stack, Queue
- Introduction to Collection Interfaces – IEnumerable, IQuerable, IList, ICollection
- Relations between Collection Interfaces and Classes
- Using Collection classes – Array List, Hash Table & Dictionary
Collections Contd.
- Using Collection classes – Stack, Queue
- Using Collection Interfaces – IEnumerable, IQuerable, IList, ICollection
- Understanding .NET Generics
- Using Generics classes
- Using Generics Interfaces
- Generics Advantages
- Collections vs. Generics
Hands-On (Lab Practice)
The primary goal of lab is to do practices of the C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server programs and learn how to develop web pages. Lab practice will help you to develop web application with the recommended design principles and practices.
- Building C# Programs Logic
- Developing logic to make complex programs like Star Patterns and Number Patterns
- Solving Mathematical Problems using C#
- Processing user inputs using ASP.NET with C#
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