.NET Development

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The .NET Development course is primarily designed for student(s)/fresher(s) who want to make a career in .NET technologies. In this course, you will learn basic .NET concepts, OOPs concepts, C# language fundamentals and how to use visual studio 2015 for .NET development.
: Project Based Training Program
: Student(s)/Fresher(s)
: Visual Studio 2015, SQL Server 2014
Delivery method(s)
: Instructor-led Classroom/Online Training
: 40 Hours
: English


About the course

The .NET Development course is primarily designed for student(s)/fresher(s) who want to make a career in .NET technologies. In this course, you will learn basic .NET concepts, OOPs concepts, C# language fundamentals and how to use visual studio 2015 for .NET development.

Course objectives

At the completion of this course, attendees will be able to;
  1. Describe Microsoft .NET Framework Architecture
  2. Understand .NET Framework basic and advanced in-depth concepts
  3. Use visual studio 2015 for running, debugging and testing your C# programs
  4. Use OOPs concepts like abstractions, Inheritance, polymorphism etc. in practical life
  5. Build the logic to develop C# programs
  6. Use classes, objects, properties, partial classes, static classes etc. in practical life
  7. Use C# advanced concepts like collections, generics and delegates
  8. Describe the differences between classes, structures, interfaces, abstract classes etc

Who can do this course?

All students/freshers who are keen to develop modern web, desktop and service oriented applications on Microsoft platform should go for this course.


There is no pre-requisites to join this course.


Visual Studio 2015

Course Cirriculam

Microsoft .NET

Introduction to Microsoft .NET

  1. Understanding Microsoft .NET
  2. .NET Cross platform support
  3. Advantages of Microsoft .NET

Introduction to .NET Framework

  1. Understanding .NET Framework
  2. .NET Framework Version History
  3. .NET Framework 4.5 Architecture
  4. Common Language Runtime (CLR)
  5. CLR Components
  6. Microsoft Intermediate language (MSIL)
  7. Common Type System (CTS)
  8. Common Language Specification (CLS)
  9. Relationship Between CTS and CLS
  10. Framework Class Library (FCL)
  11. Just In Time Compilation (JIT)

IDE Environment: Visual Studio 2015

Introduction to Visual Studio 2015

  1. Understanding Visual Studio
  2. Visual Studio Version History
  3. Understanding Visual Studio Editions
  4. Advantage of Visual Studio
  5. Understanding Visual Studio Features
  6. Visual Studio Explorer – Solution, Team, Server
  7. Coding and Debugging
  8. Types of Projects in Visual Studio
  9. Creating a Project and Solution
  10. Toolbox
  11. Property Window

C# Programming Language

Introduction to C#

  1. History of C# Version
  2. C# - What, Why & When
  3. Structure of a C# Program
  4. Basic Input / Output Operations
  5. Compiling, Running, and Debugging

Data Type, Variable & Typecasting

  1. Understanding Data Type
  2. Types of Data Type – Value Type & Reference Type
  3. Naming a variable
  4. Boxing and Unboxing
  5. Data Conversions – Implicit & Explicit
  6. Safe Type Casting with IS and AS Operator


  1. Types of Assemblies
  2. Shared Assembly, Private Assembly & Satellite Assembly
  3. Assembly Manifest, Metadata
  4. Assembly Cache


  1. Creating Namespace
  2. Advantages of Namespace

Garbage Collection

  1. Understanding Garbage Collection (GC)
  2. Advantage of Garbage Collector
  3. Generations in Garbage Collector
  4. Garbage Collector Working Phase
  5. Garbage Collection Algorithm
  6. Finalize and Dispose Method


  1. Different Types of Operators
  2. Operators precedence

Conditional Statements

  1. Introduction to conditional statement
  2. If statements
  3. If..else statement
  4. If..else ladder
  5. Switch statement


  1. Introduction to loop
  2. do...while loop
  3. while loop
  4. Making star patterns

Jump Statements

  1. break statements
  2. continue statement

Loops Contd.

  1. for loop
  2. foreach loop
  3. Making number patterns


  1. Introduction to Array
  2. One Dimensional Array
  3. Multi-Dimensional Array
  4. Jagged Array


  1. Introduction to strings
  2. Mutable strings
  3. Immutable strings
  4. Strings methods

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

  1. Introduction to object oriented programming
  2. Classes and Objects
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Abstraction
  6. Encapsulation

Class and Objects

  1. Creating a class
  2. Access Modifiers
  3. Instance members
  4. Creating an object

Constructor and Destructor

  1. Introduction to Constructor
  2. Types of Constructor
  3. Default Constructor
  4. Parameterised Constructor
  5. Introduction to Destructor
  6. Creating Destructor


  1. Introduction to Methods
  2. Methods Categories
  3. Methods Parameters
  4. Optional Parameters
  5. Call By Value
  6. Call By Reference


  1. Introduction to Polymorphism
  2. Types of Polymorphism
  3. Methods Overloading
  4. Methods Overriding
  5. Abstract, override and new keywords


  1. Introduction to Inheritance
  2. Types of inheritance
  3. Single Level Inheritance
  4. Multi-Level Inheritance
  5. Multiple Inheritance
  6. Hybrid Inheritance
  7. Advantage of Inheritance
  8. Sealed class and private constructor


  1. Introduction to Property
  2. Types of Property
  3. Read-Write Property
  4. Read Only Property
  5. Write Only Property
  6. Advantages of Property


  1. Introduction to Indexer
  2. Types of Indexer
  3. Advantages of Indexer

Abstract Class

  1. Introduction to Abstract Class
  2. Creating Abstract class
  3. Need of Abstract class
  4. Advantages of abstract class


  1. Introduction to Interface
  2. Creating Interface
  3. Need of Interface
  4. Abstract class vs. Interface

Static Class

  1. Introduction to static class
  2. Creating static class and static methods
  3. Need of static class
  4. Normal class vs. Static class

Partial Class

  1. Introduction to partial class
  2. Creating partial class
  3. Need of partial class


  1. Introduction to structure
  2. Creating structure
  3. Structure vs. Class


  1. Introduction to enum
  2. Creating enum
  3. Need of enum

Exception Handling

  1. Understanding Exceptions
  2. Try, Catch and Finally block
  3. Throw exception
  4. Handling Exception
  5. Custom Exception


  1. Introduction to delegates
  2. Types of delegates
  3. Single Delegate
  4. Multicast Delegate

Generic Delegates

  1. Introduction to generic delegates
  2. Func
  3. Action
  4. Predicate


  1. Introduction to events
  2. Creating Events
  3. Event Handler

Anonymous Method and Lambda Expression

  1. Anonymous Method
  2. Lambda Expression


  1. Introduction to attributes
  2. Creating attribute class
  3. Need of attributes


  1. Introduction to reflection
  2. Viewing Metadata


  1. Introduction to .NET Collections
  2. Introduction to Collection Classes – Array List, Hash Table, Dictionary, Stack, Queue
  3. Introduction to Collection Interfaces – IEnumerable, IQuerable, IList, ICollection
  4. Relations between Collection Interfaces and Classes
  5. Using Collection classes – Array List, Hash Table & Dictionary

Collections Contd.

  1. Using Collection classes – Stack, Queue
  2. Using Collection Interfaces – IEnumerable, IQuerable, IList, ICollection


  1. Understanding .NET Generics
  2. Using Generics classes
  3. Using Generics Interfaces
  4. Generics Advantages
  5. Collections vs. Generics

Hands-On (Lab Practice)

The primary goal of lab is to do practices of the C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server programs and learn how to develop web pages. Lab practice will help you to develop web application with the recommended design principles and practices.


  1. Building C# Programs Logic
  2. Developing logic to make complex programs like Star Patterns and Number Patterns
  3. Solving Mathematical Problems using C#
  4. Processing user inputs using ASP.NET with C#


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