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  1. Understanding ASP.NET MVC
  3. ASP.NET MVC Version History
  4. Understanding Model, View and Controller
  5. Advantages of ASP.NET MVC
  6. Design Pattern VS Architectural Pattern
  7. Layer VS Tier
  8. MVC pattern VS 3-Tier Architecture

Visual Studio Project Templates

  1. Understanding Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC Templates
  2. Creating an ASP.NET MVC project
  3. Understanding ASP.NET MVC project folder structure
  4. Understanding configuration files

Controller & Actions

  1. Understanding Controller
  2. Creating Controller
  3. Understanding Actions
  4. Actions and Non Actions Methods
  5. Understanding Action Results


  1. Types of Views
  2. Creating Standard View
  3. Creating Layout Page
  4. Communication between Controller and View

Razor View Engine

  1. Understanding Razor View Engine
  2. Razor View Engine VS Web Form Engine
  3. Razor Syntax
  4. Razor Statements, Loops etc.

ViewModel & Strongly Typed View

  1. Creating ViewModel
  2. Creating Strongly Typed View

Partial Views

  1. Static Partial View
  2. Dynamic Partial View

Routes & URLs

  1. Introduction to Routing
  2. Routing VS Url Rewriting
  3. Defining Routes
  4. Route Evaluation
  5. Attribute Routing

HTML Helpers

  1. Understanding Html Helpers
  2. Types of Html Helpers
  3. Built-In Html Helpers
  4. Inline Helpers
  5. Custom Helpers
  6. Url Helpers

AJAX Helpers

  1. Introduction to AJAX Helpers
  2. Using AJAX Helpers

Data Passing Techniques

  1. ViewData
  2. ViewBag
  3. TempData
  4. Session
  5. Query String
  6. Hidden Fields
  7. Cookies

ViewModel & Validation

  1. Creating ViewModel
  2. Understanding ASP.NET MVC Validation
  3. Need of Server Side and Client Side Validation
  4. Validation with Data Annotation

Custom Validation

  1. Custom client side Validation
  2. Custom Server side validation


Introduction to Bootstrap

  1. Introduction to Responsive Design
  2. Need of Bootstrap
  3. Bootstrap Fundamentals
  4. Bootstrap Grid System

Bootstrap Development

  1. Bootstrap Components
  2. Header, Footer, Navigation Bar
  3. Bootstrap Modals
  4. Bootstrap Form Elements
  5. Bootstrap Icons
  6. Typography
  7. Customizing Bootstrap
  8. Panels, Sliders, Tooltips



  1. Understanding LINQ
  2. LINQ - What, Why & When
  3. Flavors of LINQ
  4. Advantages of LINQ
  5. Var Type
  6. Anonymous Type
  7. Lambda Expression
  8. Query Based Syntax and Method Based Syntax
  9. Deferred Execution
  10. Immediate Execution
  11. Deferred/Lazy Loading
  12. Eager Loading
  13. LINQ Joins


  1. What is LINQPad
  2. Configuring LINQPad
  3. Querying database using LINQPad
  4. Testing LINQ query using LINQPad


Introduction to jQuery

  1. Understanding jQuery
  2. jQuery - What, Why & When
  3. JavaScript VS jQuery
  4. Advantage of jQuery

jQuery Selectors

  1. What are Selectors
  2. Types of Selectors
  3. Using Universal, Element, Class and Id Selectors
  4. Selecting & Manipulating Html elements

Interacting with DOM

  1. Get and Set Nodes value, html and text
  2. Adding and Removing Nodes
  3. Adding and Removing Classes
  4. Show, Hide and Empty

Events Handling

  1. Understanding jQuery Events Methods
  2. bind(), live(), delegate() and on()
  3. Choosing appropriate Event methods


  1. Understanding jQuery Ajax
  2. Making GET and POST Request

Entity Framework

Introduction to Entity Framework

  1. What is ORM
  2. ORMs used with .NET
  3. Understanding Entity Framework
  4. Advantages of Entity Framework

Data Modeling Approach

  1. Entity Framework Data Modeling Approach
  2. Choosing DB First, Model First or Code First

Code First Modeling

  1. Defining Mapping using Data Annotation
  2. Defining Mapping using Fluent API
  3. Entity Framework Code First Migrations
  4. Updating Database when the Model Changes
  5. CRUD Operations
  6. Calling Stored Procedures
  7. Code First with existing Database

Database First Modeling

  1. Creating Model from Database
  2. CRUD Operations
  3. Updating Model when the Database Changes
  4. Changing and Updating Mapping
  5. Calling Stored Procedures

.NET Unit Testing Frameworks

Unit Testing

  1. Understanding Unit Testing
  2. Test Driven Development (TDD)
  3. Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
  4. Advantages of Unit testing
  5. .NET Unit Testing frameworks

MS Test, XUnit and Moq

  1. Writing Unit Tests using xUnit
  2. Running and Debugging Unit Tests
  3. Understanding Mocking
  4. Advantage of Mocking
  5. Installing and Configuring Moq Framework
  6. Writing Unit Tests with Moq


Introduction to ASP.NET Web API

  1. What is REST
  2. Understanding ASP.NET Web API
  3. ASP.NET Web API VS WCF Rest VS Web Service
  4. Advantages of ASP.NET Web API

Controller & Actions

  1. Understanding Controller & Actions
  2. Creating Controller
  3. Creating Actions

Consuming Web API & Deployment

  1. Consuming Web API
  2. Hosting Web API

Securing Web API (with Project)

  1. Implementing basic Authentication
  2. Implementing Authorization

Optimization & Deployment of ASP.NET MVC Project

  1. Bundling & Minification
  2. Deploying Application


JS Frameworks and SPA

  1. Understanding JS libs and frameworks
  2. Advantages of JS libs and frameworks
  3. Introduction to SPA
  4. SPA vs. MPA
  5. Most Popular SPA
  6. Advantages of SPA
  7. SPA with jQuery, Backbone.JS, Knockout.JS and Ember.JS

Introduction to AngularJS

  1. Understanding AngularJS
  2. JavaScript VS jQuery VS AngularJS
  3. Advantage of AngularJS
  4. AngularJS VS others JS Frameworks
  5. Browsers Support

Model, View and Controller

  1. Understanding MVC
  2. Creating Models or ViewModels
  3. Creating Controller and View

AngularJS Bootstrap Process

  1. Angular Initialization Process
  2. Automatic Bootstrap
  3. Manual Bootstrap

AngularJS Fundamentals

  1. Modules
  2. Scopes - $scope and $rootScope
  3. Expressions
  4. Built-In Directives - ng-app, ng-controller, ng-bind, ng-model, ng-init, ng-options, ng-if, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-repeat, ng-switch
  5. Built-In Filters - Currency, Date, Number, OrderBy, Lowercase, Uppercase, Filter

Scopes & Controllers

  1. Creating Child Controller
  2. Scope Inheritance
  3. $watch, $digest and $apply

Custom Directives and Filters

  1. Types of Directives - Shared, Inherit & Isolate
  2. Custom Directives
  3. Custom Filters


  1. AngularJS Events
  2. Static Events Binding
  3. Dynamic Events Binding
  4. Events Handling

Data Binding

  1. Understanding Data Binding
  2. Types of Data Binding
  3. Issues with Two-Way Data Binding
  4. Choosing Appropriate Data Binding

Dependency Injection

  1. Understanding Dependency Injection
  2. Methods to inject Dependency
  3. Implementing Dependency Injection

Building Rich Client-Side UI with Bootstrap

  1. Understanding Bootstrap
  2. Bootstrap Grid System
  3. Bootstrap Components

Templates & Routing

  1. Understanding Templates
  2. Types of Templates
  3. Understanding Routing
  4. Angular UI Routing
  5. Defining Routes
  6. Route Evaluation


  1. Understanding Services
  2. Types of Services
  3. Choosing Services - Factory, Service, Provider, Value & Constant
  4. Creating Services
  5. Data sharing using Services

Angular Forms and Controls

  1. Angular forms VS HTML forms
  2. Angular form input controls
  3. Angular form events
  4. Angular form validation
  5. Angular form and controls properties
  6. Applying CSS based on error messages
  7. Creating Cascading Dropdown List

Data Storage

  1. Web Storage - Local Storage and Session Storage
  2. Cookies

Project Development

Application Architecture

  1. Designing Application Architecture
  2. Developing DAL Layer using Entity Framework

Implementing Repository Design Pattern

  1. Understanding Repository Design Pattern
  2. Need of Repository Design Pattern
  3. Implementing Repository Design Pattern
  4. Understanding Dependency Injection

Implementing Dependency Injection

  1. Understanding Dependency Injection
  2. Advantage of Dependency Injection
  3. DI Container
  4. Implementing DI using Unity Container

Designing and Developing Project

  1. Developing User Signup Process
  2. Developing Category and Product CRUD Operations
  3. Developing Customer CRUD Operations

Extending ASP.NET MVC

  1. ASP.NET MVC Pipeline
  2. ASP.NET MVC Filters
  3. Extending ASP.NET MVC Filters
  4. Configuring ASP.NET MVC Filters

Implementing Security

  1. Understanding Forms Authentication
  2. Customizing principal
  3. Implementing custom Forms Authentication
  4. Implementing Authorization

Securing Web API

  1. Implementing basic Authentication
  2. Implementing Authorization

Product Listing

  1. Product Listing
  2. Developing Shopping Cart using AngularJS

Shopping Cart

  1. Products Searching
  2. Products Filtering
  3. Adding Products to Shopping Cart
  4. Removing Products to Shopping Cart

Payment Gateway

  1. Understanding Payment gateway Process
  2. Integrating Payment Gateway
  3. Listing Successful Transactions
  4. Listing Failed Transactions


  1. Deploying Application on IIS


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