Filter - react js

What is filter key?

  • FilterKeys is a feature of Microsoft Windows. It is an accessibility function that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes, in order to make typing easier for users with hand tremors.
 react filter
learn react - react filter - react example


$ npm install react-filter
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var Filter = require('react-filter');
var sample_data = [  
  { id : 'id-1', count : 1, date : new Date(2015, 3, 1)},
  { id : 'id-2', count : 2, date : new Date(2015, 3, 2)},
  { id : 'id-3', count : 3, date : new Date(2015, 3, 3)},
  { id : 'id-4', count : 4, date : new Date(2015, 3, 4)}
var App = React.createClass({
  onChange: fuction(filteredData) {
  render: function() {
    var opts = {
      id    : {type: 'text'},
      count : {type: 'number'},
      date  : {type: 'date'}
      // key : {opts} 
    return (
React.render(<App />, document.body);
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  • type {String}-data type
  • placeholder {String}-input placeholder
  • xs {Number}-value of bootstrap grid system
  • xsOffset {Number}-offset value of bootstrap grid system
  • perfect- filter perfect matching or not. default false.

  type        : 'text',
  placeholder : 'Address',
  xs          : 3,
  xsOffset    : 1,
  perfect     : true
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  • Either an [String] or a String. Will be use by the filter method if no argument is passed there.


  • Return a function which can be used to filter an array. keys can be String, [String] or null.
  • If an array keys is an array, the function will return true if at least one of the keys of the item matches the search term.
Article tag : react , react native , react js tutorial , create react app , react tutorial , learn react

Static Methods

  • filter(searchTerm, [keys], [{caseSensitive, fuzzy, sortResults}])
  • Return a function which can be used to filter an array. searchTerm can be a regex or a String. keys can be String, [String] or null.
  • If an array keys is an array, the function will return true if at least one of the keys of the item matches the search term.