Part 7 - Projection Operators in LINQ

The following 2 standard LINQ query operators belong to Projection Operators category.

Projection Operators (Select & SelectMany) are used to transform the results of a query. In this video we will discuss Select operator and in a later video session we will discuss SelectMany operator.

Select clause in SQL allows to specify what columns we want to retrieve. In a similar fashion LINQ SELECT standard query operator allows us to specify what properties we want to retrieve. It also allows us to perform calculations.

For example, you may have a collection of Employee objects. The following are the properties of the Employee class.

Now using the SELECT projection operator
1. We can select just EmployeeID property OR
2. We can select multiple properties (FirstName & Gender) into an anonymous type OR
3. Perform calculations 
    a) MonthlySalary = AnnualSalay/12
    b) FullName = FirstName + " " + LastName

We will be using the following Employee class for this demo.

public class Employee
    public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Gender { get; set; }
    public int AnnualSalary { get; set; }
    public static List<Employee> GetAllEmployees()
        List<Employee> listEmployees = new List<Employee>
            new Employee
                EmployeeID = 101,
                FirstName = "Tom",
                LastName = "Daely",
                Gender = "Male",
                AnnualSalary = 60000
            new Employee
                EmployeeID = 102,
                FirstName = "Mike",
                LastName = "Mist",
                Gender = "Male",
                AnnualSalary = 72000
            new Employee
                EmployeeID = 103,
                FirstName = "Mary",
                LastName = "Lambeth",
                Gender = "Female",
                AnnualSalary = 48000
            new Employee
                EmployeeID = 104,
                FirstName = "Pam",
                LastName = "Penny",
                Gender = "Female",
                AnnualSalary = 84000
        return listEmployees;

Example 1: Retrieves just the EmployeeID property of all employees
IEnumerable<int> employeeIds = Employee.GetAllEmployees()
    .Select(emp => emp.EmployeeID);
foreach (int id in employeeIds)

Projection Operators in LINQ

Example 2: Projects FirstName & Gender properties of all employees into anonymous type.
var result = Employee.GetAllEmployees().Select(emp => new
                        FirstName = emp.FirstName,
                        Gender = emp.Gender
foreach (var v in result)
    Console.WriteLine(v.FirstName + " - " + v.Gender);

linq projection operators example

Example 3: Computes FullName and MonthlySalay of all employees and projects these 2 new computed properties into anonymous type.
var result = Employee.GetAllEmployees().Select(emp => new
    FullName = emp.FirstName + " " + emp.LastName,
    MonthlySalary = emp.AnnualSalary / 12
foreach (var v in result)
    Console.WriteLine(v.FullName + " - " + v.MonthlySalary);

linq select method example

Example 4: Give 10% bonus to all employees whose annual salary is greater than 50000 and project all such employee's FirstName, AnnualSalay and Bonus into anonymous type.
var result = Employee.GetAllEmployees()
                .Where(emp => emp.AnnualSalary > 50000)
                .Select(emp => new
                    Name = emp.FirstName,
                    Salary = emp.AnnualSalary,
                    Bonus = emp.AnnualSalary * .1
foreach (var v in result)
    Console.WriteLine(v.Name + " : " + v.Salary + " - " + v.Bonus);

select linq c# example