XML Introduction - Difference between XML and HTML

What is XML?

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language.
XML is a markup language same as HTML.
XML tag you can define your self for storing data.
XML store (describe) data, nothing more (either temporary or permanent).

XML was designed for describing well formed data. Also XML have some strict rules. That rules follow every XML document.
Any database data are easily transform to a XML format. It's like reasonable storage format for certain types of data and easily converted into server side along with XSL, etc.
Data can be inserted or updated into the database tables corresponding to the objects using XML files.
XML content must be encoded as UTF-8 in XML files.

Key Features of XML

Self describing data When you look at an XML document, it is very easy to describe data in table structure format.
Creating custom tag XML language easy to creating your defined tag to describing data.
Exchanging data XML data you can sharing easily between different application as well as database.

Difference between XML and HTML

Difference between XML and HTML

Following are some key point differences between XML and HTML.
stands foreXtensible Markup LanguageHyper Text Markup Language
Derived fromXML derived from SGML(Standard Generalized Markup Language).Where as the HTML derived same from SGML.
PurposeXML was designed for holds data. Use for transport data between application and database.HTML was designed for specify how to data should be display on web page.
RulesXML was follow strict rules. Any time terminate the process if rules break.HTML was not following any strict rules. All browser try to display data to the best as per its ability.
Case SensitiveXML is case sensitive.HTML is not a case sensitive.
UsesXML uses for temporary/permanent storing data. But now a day use for write markup language that are render/connect to a application and database.HTML uses for web presentation layer along with CSS you can make very interactive design.
TagsXML tags you can define custom tag by ourself.HTML tags are predefined.
How to writeXML tags must have closing tag.
Example. <note>Travel experience</note>
HTML tags are two type closing tag or self-closing tag.
Example. self-closing tag <br />,
Closing tag <p>Travel experience</p>
WhitespaceXML was preserve only one whitespace.Where as the HTML was preserve only one whitespace.
BehaviorXML was dynamic for holding data.While HTML was static for displaying data.

XML replace to HTML?

No, XML was not developed for a replacement for HTML. XML was uses for describe the web data in specific structure format. While HTML was uses for how to display that data on web page.