jQuery Effect Methods with Examples

jQuery Effect Methods allow you to adding effects a to a web page. You can apply jQuery effect for the selected elements. jQuery effect methods represents the animation that perform for a specific times. Following are jQuery effect methods
jQuery MethodDescription
animate()Perform custom animation using element's CSS properties
clearQueue()Remove all remaining queued items from the selected elements
delay()Using timer set delay execution of subsequent items in the queue
dequeue()Execute the next item in the queue for the selected elements
fadein()Perform fades in effect on the selected elements
fadeOut()Perform fades out effect on the selected elements
fadeTo()Perform fades in/out effect on the selected elements to a given opacity
fadeToggle()Perform fades in or fade out effect on the selected elements.
finish()Stop currently running item and clear the queue for selected elements
hide()Hide the selected elements
queue()Show or manipulate the queue of items to be executed on the selected elements
show()Display the selected elements
slideDown()Perform sliding down motion effect to display the selected elements
slideUp()Perform sliding up motion effect to hide the selected elements
slideToggle()Perform sliding up or slide down motion effect to hide or show the selected elements
stop()Stop the current animation which is running on the selected elements
toggle()Display or hide the selected elements